2023 Officer Slate / Voting Process

At the November Province meeting, the following gentles were nominated for the following offices:

  • Archery Marshal – Aloysius Sartore
  • *Arts & Science Minister – Octavia Valeria
  • *Exchequer – Shyvan Floyd
  • *Herald – Volmar Sollons
  • *Knight Marshall – Micah of Brighton Manor
  • *Minister of Lists – 2 Candidates: Frances Hastings and Heather MacDowell
  • Rapier Marshall – Aurelia Colleoni a’Buccafurno
  • Seneschal – Mat Wyck
  • *Thrown Weapons – Tomas Bergstrom
  • Web Minister- Tessa Maria da Siena
  • *Chronicler- Aesa Ormstunga
  • *Chatelaine – Collette D ’Avignon

*‘Greater offices’ required by EK Law to be filled.

At the Dec. 7 online Province meeting, each gentle nominated will be afforded no more than 2 minutes to speak to their nomination for the office they seek – there is no obligation to speak, but this is an opportunity for those who would take it, and an opportunity for those who would hear their words.

Following the meeting, the virtual polls will be open to all Malagentians, age 14 and older, who are paid members.

Those members should email Malagentia’s Chronicler Meara MacNeil at Chronicler@malagentia.eastkingdom.org and CC our two province members who have volunteered to assist with this election, Mickel Von Salm and Lydia of Brus at artsandsciences@malagentia.eastkingdom.org and 234315@members.eastkingdom.org with the following information:

  • SCA Name
  • Legal Name
  • Membership Number and expiration date
  • Chosen candidates for each office

Please note: Write-in candidates are acceptable.

The polls will be open for ONE WEEK, until midnight, Dec. 14. To be clear, all vote emails must be received by MIDNIGHT, DEC. 14.

The votes will be tallied by the chronicler and confirmed by the two volunteers, and announced on our website Saturday, Dec. 16.

Questions? Email Chronicler Meara at chronicler@malagentia.eastkingdom.org.

Thank you to all who have put their names forward to serve the province, the East and the SCA – but most importantly, our local community. Thank you to those who are working to run this election fairly and confidentially, as well.

Thank you,

Wyck, Seneschal