Arts and Sciences (A&S) in the SCA cover a wide swath of interests and activities, with one curiosity often leading to the next.
Arts and Sciences are one place where history starts to come to life. How did people spend their time? What did they eat? What did they wear? We might find ourselves studying and learning how to make all manner of objects, practicing dances or making music inspired by those early times, learning how they prepared food and brewed drinks. There are so many things to learn about and try your hand at!

To Learn more about A&S in Malagentia, email artsandsciences@malagentia.eastkingdom.org

We hold Dance Practice the second Thursday of each month at the First Parish Congregational Church in Gorham, 7-9 p.m., and Scribal Night the third Thursday of each month, at the same venue and times.
In addition to these local gatherings, many regional events also offer classes. You can learn more about these opportunities by exploring the East Kingdom’s event listings, and visiting the East Kingdom A&S page.
There is also an incredible wealth of recorded online classes available. Our neighbors to the west in the Shire of Mountain Freehold (Vermont) have compiled a fantastic directory to some of these classes and YouTube channels.
Because Arts and Sciences are so broad, please feel free to get in touch with our Arts and Sciences Minister who can help you connect with others who are learning about the same things that you’re interested in. Most of us are excited to share about what we’re learning!
Our current Arts and Sciences Minister, Mickel von Salm, is happy to help get you connected to Malagentia’s talented and diverse A&S Community!