Deputy Seneschals
In the SCA, the Seneschal is the Local Chapter President, and is responsible for running the meetings, keeping us organized, and in general, getting the business of the Province done.
The office of the Chatelaine (or Castellan) should be the first point of contact for those who are new to the Society. The Chatelaine’s office exists to help new people learn more about what we do and how to get involved. She is also responsible for organizing school and other educational demos.

Aesa Ormstunga (They/Them/Theirs)
The Chronicler publishes the newsletter for the local group, takes meeting minutes and runs the biennial elections. Malagentia’s quarterly newsletter is called The Moonstone. Please contact the chronicler if you would like to subscribe to The Moonstone, submit articles or photos, or if you have an idea for an article you’d like to see.
The Minister of Arts & Sciences is responsible for encouraging A&S in our area. The A&S Minister acts as a resource to help get learners and teachers together, and to help people who want to try to learn new crafts.
The Provincial Herald will provide assistance if you wish to register a persona with the Society College of Heralds. Our Herald can help you create and document a name and a coat of arms which are appropriate to your persona, and can then submit your work to the Society College of Heralds for their approval.
The Web Minister is responsible for this web page. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or comments about this web page.

Shyvan Floyd (She/Her/Hers)
The Exchequer is the local chapter treasurer.

Micah of Brighton Manor (He/Him/His)
The Knight Marshal is a safety officer, responsible for the training of fighters in armored combat, and for scheduling practices.

Aurelia Colleoni a’Buccafurno (She/Her/Hers)
The Minister of Fence is an administrative officer responsible for ensuring that the practice of Rapier Combat throughout the Province is safely overseen by Fencing Marshals, and for scheduling practices.
The Archery Captain is a safety officer, responsible for the training of participants in Period Archery, and for scheduling practice times.

Tomas Thrown (He/Him/His)
The Thrown Weapons Marshal is a safety officer, responsible for the training of thrown weapons participants. Thrown weapons traditionally includes knives, axes and spears, but really can involve a number of interesting objects.

Frances Hastings (She/Her/Hers)
The Minister of the Lists works with the marshallate to keep records and to help tournaments run smoothly.
Quartermaster (Deputy to the Exchequer)
Reynard Helyer (He/Him/His)
Reynard Helyer (He/Him/His)
The Quartermaster is responsible for keeping both an inventory and physical possession of all items which belong to this local SCA group (such as tents, cooking equipment, etc.), as well as for their care and upkeep.

The Chancellor Minor is responsible for coordinating and encouraging activities to provide greater involvement in the SCA for people under the age of 18.
Officer Resources
Photo Release Forms: