Knights in shining armor. Swords and shields. The honor of the warrior. There is no way to truly describe period armored combat – it is something that must be seen and heard to be fully understood. With the spirit of knights and squires of olden times, stepped fresh from a storybook, modern men and women try to recreate the art of the sword from a time before gunpowder, from a time when steel on steel was the ultimate combat, and honor was more important that victory.
For additional information on Heavy Combat in Malagentia, please contact our current Knight Marshall, Micah of Brighton Manor.

Period armored combat recreates the combat of the medieval knight and foot-soldier in much the same way that a young squire would have learned the arts of war five hundred or more years ago – in full, handmade armor of leather and steel, using rattan swords. Malagentia currently has one regularly scheduled practice time, where both new and experienced SCA fighters work together to become better fighters – as well as to plan for large melee battles that happen many times a year.

Every Tuesday evening from 6:00 – 8:45 PM from mid-September through mid-May, there is a practice held at the USM Sullivan Gym in Portland, in conjunction with the USM Blade Society. There is a $7 fee for use of the gym. During warmer months, practice moves out to Payson Park in Portland, at the foot of the Sledding Hill, weather permitting (5-8 PM). When the practice is held outside, there is no fee.

If you are a interested in learning more about SCA armored combat, please join us at practice! Loaner gear is generally available. For additional information, please contact our current Knight Marshall, Micah of Brighton Manor.