Congratulations to our new and returning Officers! Please welcome Nicol mac Donnchaidh (Josh Newton) as Webminister, Joshua Mustard (Josh Cohen) as Herald, Ellice de Valles as MOL, Matt Wyck (Matt Wickenheiser) as Minister of Fence! And returning again, thank you to Deormund Wulfscyld (Randolph Dominic) as Minister of Archery, Frederick van der Veer (Scott Furrow)as A&S Minister, Thalia of Malagentia (Terri Blaisdell) as Chatelaine, Elle de Pepperell (Leslie Basinger) as Chronicler, Molly Schofield (Robyn Stinson) as Exchequer, and Richard Crowe (Joe Boucher) as Knight Marshal! And yes, you’re stuck with me for another two years! And a very big thank you to our retiring officers, Aesa Ormstunga (Jess Horowitz), Tiernan Shepherd (Sarah Peck) and Magnus Hjort (Wil LeFebvre Jr.). Vivat!