Please note the following heavy and fencing authorizations are/will soon be expired. I will be at next week’s practice in order to facilitate re-auths before crown tourney.
10159 05/27/15 Michael Acrensis Portland
12521 05/24/15 Heather Creighton Bowdoin
11945 05/13/15 Hoarr Dondersson Lewiston
10541 05/07/15 Richard Crowe Saco
12081 05/04/15 Perley of Malagentia Auburn
12043 04/07/15 Astrid Sigrun Ulfkillsdottir Portland
10579 03/26/15 Edward Macgyver Dos Scorpus Portland
12522 03/15/15 John Bement Kennebunk
12577 02/28/15 Valentin of Red Oak York
10584 02/15/15 Quentus Quinctilius Mortis Standish
12576 01/20/15 Jake Sanford
12238 12/10/14 Bjorn Thorson Lewiston
11416 12/05/14 Erik Oxnech Oxford
12440 10/24/14 Tovi Auburn
11730 09/10/14 Dunca MacFarland Saco
12499 08/24/14 Raiztlin Lewiston
10910 08/20/14 Tristan of Thunder MTN Auburn
10777 07/22/14 Brion Bearheart Poland
12408 06/13/14 Jaxx Cordova Bridgton
12350 05/29/14 Wulfgar Tygereye Lewiston
12406 05/18/14 Raanoulfr Bridgton
12405 05/12/14 Ulfblod Beddeford
91067 5/24/2015 Odelina of St. Albans Bowdoin
91038 5/7/2015 Richard Crowe Saco
90408 2/15/2015 Quentius Quinctilius Mortis Standish
90160 2/14/2015 Ivan Ulrickson Portland
91081 12/28/2014 Donato Balthazar Parsonsfield
91001 11/26/2014 Anna Desmarais North Berwick
91021 9/27/2014 Marhalt Portland
91000 7/6/2014 Benjamin Lancaster Reis Norway
90985 7/2/2014 Miles Aurundel South Portland