GNE Bid Awarded; Upcoming Election Info

To the populace of Malagentia, two important items of business were discussed at the October province meeting:

  1. The bid for GNE 36, to be held July 11-14, 2024, has been awarded to Quentus Quintillius Mortis, aka Q, aka Chris Schmaling. GNE is Malagentia’s signature event, and 2024 will be great!
  2. This is an election year for Malagentia. Nominations for all offices will be taken at the virtual province meeting on Nov. 2. Anyone can nominate a gentle for office; the nominee must be a paid SCA member at the time of election. Nominees can decline a nomination at any time up to the election.

We will be running the election electronically, with paid members voting via email to the Chronicler in December (more information forthcoming in November).

The ballot of offices include:

  • Minister of Arts & Science*
  • Chatelaine*
  • Chronicler*
  • Chancellor of the Exchequer*
  • Herald*
  • Knight Marshal*
  • Minister of Lists*
  • Seneschal*
  • Chancellor Minor
  • Archery Marshal
  • Rapier Marshal
  • Thrown Weapons Marshal
  • Web Minister

*Greater Offices which are required to be filled.

If you are interested in an office and have questions, please reach out to the current office holder or contact Seneschal Mat Wyck.

All welcome at the Provincial meetings. The Thursday, Nov. 2, meeting will be held from 7 – 8 p.m. on Google Meet (to join: or 1-631-861-4047 PIN: ‪989 624 574#)

Thank you,

Mat Wyck, Seneschal