Malagentia Officer Voting Open

Voting for the Province of Malagentia opens on Thursday, December 7th at 8:00pm ET and runs until Saturday, December 16th at 11:59pm ET

The following outlines the current open positions and who is running for them. Please keep in mind that write ins are always allowed and encouraged:

Archery Marshal – Aloysius Sartore

*Arts & Science Minister – Octavia Valeria

*Exchequer – Shyvan Floyd

*Herald – Volmar Sollons

*Knight Marshall – Micah of Brighton Manor

*Minister of Lists – 2 Candidates: Frances Hastings and Heather MacDowell

Rapier Marshall – Aurelia Colleoni a’Buccafurno

*Seneschal – Mat Wyck

*Thrown Weapons – Tomas Bergstrom

Web Minister- Tessa Maria da Siena

*Chronicler- Aesa Ormstunga

*Chatelaine – Collette D ’Avignon

*‘Greater offices’ required by EK Law to be filled.

Virtual polling is open to all members of the Provence of Malagentia, provided that they are 14 years of age or older and are paid members in good standing.

In order to vote please send an email with the subject matter “Malagentia Elections” with the following details:

  • SCA Name
  • Legal Name
  • Membership Number and expiration date*
  • Chosen candidates for each office

And again, write-in candidates are acceptable.

*If you do not remember your Membership number, this can be attained by going to or by contacting

Please e-mail your vote to:

Malagentia’s Chronicler Meara MacNeil at

and CC our two province members who have volunteered to assist with this election

Mickel Von Salm  at 


Lydia of Brus at

The votes will be tallied by the chronicler and confirmed by the two volunteers, and announced on our website Saturday, Dec. 16.

Questions? Email Chronicler Meara at

Thank you to not only everyone who is running for an office, but to those who put their names forward, and those members of the populace who participate in the voting process!

Thank you,

Meara MacNeil, Chronicler.