Provincial Meeting / Budget

The February Provincial Meeting will be held this Thursday, Feb. 2, from 7-8 p.m., online (meeting instructions are below). All are invited to attend.

We will review the proposed budget for 2023. It will be presented for questions and consideration with the official vote occurring in March. Please note that no changes may be made to the budget at this time. The vote in March will be either to pass or reject the budget in whole.

In addition, we will be considering an request for an “emergency approval” for a request for $325 in order to rent the Gorham Church for our Spring Inspirations event Saturday, April 15. The reason for this “emergency approval” is that we need to pay the church now to reserve the space, and the timing is too early to fall into the normal budgetary request cycle.

In addition to the budget items, we will have officers report, an update on GNE planning, a mention of upcoming events and more.


Meeting instructions:

Join by phone

‪(US) +1 631-861-4047‬ PIN: ‪989 624 574‬#