Province Status Discussion
Hello Everyone, We have been receiving feedback regarding the upcoming group status discussion. The lists below are by no means a complete accounting for concerns and or opportunities but it is at least a good start towards our discussion. I have broken down these items that impact individuals and the group as a greater whole.…
Election reminder
Hello folks, Keep in mind that we will be taking nominations for elections at the next Province monthly business meeting (11/5). If you are planning to run for an office, please reach out to myself, my deputy, and the officer currently holding the position (even if they are planning to run again themselves, I’m sure…
Province Status Discussions
Hello Everyone, Please join us for the first of a series of discussions concerning the status of the Province of Malagentia. The first meeting will be held in Giggleswick October 22nd at 7pm. Location: Eliot Baptist Church 912 Dow Highway York, ME 03909 USA As previously noted, this will be a town hall setting where…
Latest from your Senescal- Provincial Honors and Elections
Unto the Province and Ridings therein I send greetings! At our last monthly business meeting we circulated the Provincial Honors (Hereafter referred to as Malagentian honors) proposal that our team has labored to create and put forward for our consideration. As per that discussion here is a copy of the proposal for your consideration (see…
Event Bids and Provincial Honors
Hello Everyone, As mentioned previously we have some event bid deadlines fast approaching. The deadline for both Winter Feast and Great Northeastern War XXX are due in by October 1st. If you have any interest in either of these events please feel free to contact me and or submit a bid form through the Malagentia…
Event: Autumn’s Inspirations
EK Event Site Link: http://www.eastkingdom.org/EventDetails.php?eid=2898 With the end of the camping season comes the list of projects to work on during the cooler months, for bettering one’s camp, or one’s garb, or the myriad of accessories and embellishments to apply to one’s SCAdian daily life, etc. Please join us for a day of classes and workshops…
Great Northeastern War XXX
Are you looking to serve your Province and yet have an amazing time doing so? Are you looking for an opportunity to lead a crack team to victory? Look no further than becoming the Autocrat of the next Great Northeastern War! An exciting opportunity awaits you as this is an anniversary year! Add your name…
Great Northeastern War Opening Ceremonies
Hello One and all! I call on Malagentia to “assume the port of Mars and at his heels, leash’d in like hounds, should famine, sword, and fire crouch for employment..” in short -Let them know they cannot have our “stuff”! Please join on the main battlefield Friday at 1:30 to muster for opening ceremonies to…
Hello Everyone, Just sending out a reminder to everyone about PortCon – this is a fantastic opportunity for our group and the audience is right up our demographic! Lets make sure we have a good showing. Contact our Chatelaine Lady Odelina of St. Albans for more information and to make sure we have enough people…
Officer and Event Budgets
Hello officers and autocrats as well as autocrats to be of the Province and Ridings As per my latest theme of posting on subjects that may need some clarification or discussion. I’d like to tackle budgets this time around. As a good practice you should be in regular contact with myself, my deputy, and Exchequer…