Category: News and Announcements

  • EK College of Performers Challenge Assembly and Schola bid accepted

    Greetings! I have accepted a bid for the EK College of Performers Challenge Assembly and Schola to be held in Malagentia in March of 2020. Details will be forthcoming. YIS, Lady Wynefryd Bredhers, Seneschal of Malagentia

  • October Province Meeting this Thursday

    Greetings All! Please join us at 7pm – or earlier for dinner – this Thursday, October 3 at Doughboys Deli in Westbrook for this month’s Province Meeting. I will be announcing the opening of the Officer nomination period before December’s election. If you or someone you know is interested in running for an officer position,…

  • From the Society Seneschal

    The Society Seneschal has issued an expulsion from the Society to Barry Greene, Sr., known in the Society as Count Rakkurai, on September 23rd, 2019.  Any questions, please contact me. -Lady Wynefryd Bredhers, Seneschal of the Province of Malagentia

  • Province Meetings are Back!

    Join us this Thursday, Sept. 5th at 7pm at Doughboy’s in Westbrook for our monthly Province Meeting. YIS, W

  • Province Meetings are Back!

    Join us this Thursday, Sept. 5th at 7pm at Doughboy’s in Westbrook for our monthly Province Meeting. YIS, W

  • Submit your event bids ASAP!

    Get your Fall and Winter bids in ASAP! I have received a bid for Winterfeast/Yule and am aware of those who want to put in bids for Harvest Moon, Autumn’s Inspirations and Winterfeast. Time is growing super-short and we need to get these events on the calendar! Don’t delay! Submit bids here: YIS, W

  • GNE 34 Steward Announced

    For those who weren’t at GNE closing ceremonies, I am happy to announce that Audrye Beneyt will be the Event Steward for GNE XXXIV! Vivat! -W

  • No July (or August) Province Meeting!

    Just a reminder that there will be no July or August Province meeting. See you at GNE!!! -W

  • Accepting Bids for GNE, Harvest Moon and Yule

    Greetings! I have just received a bid for Great Northeastern War XXXIV! If you are also considering a bid, please contact me. I will continue to accept bids for GNE through June 30, and will announce next year’s steward at this year’s closing ceremonies! We are also looking for bids for Harvest Moon, Autumn’s Inspirations,…

  • Province Meeting this Thursday

    Province Meeting this Thursday, June 6th at 7pm at Doughboys in Westbrook. All are welcome. YIS, W