Category: Newsletter

  • March MoonLite is available

    The March MoonLite is now available.  Find the PDF here:  Moonlite 3-16

  • February Moonlite

    Finally back on track, the February MoonLite is here! Moonlite February 2016

  • Baronial Discussion – Giggleswick

    These are the notes and referenced materials from the October 22 Baronial Discussion meeting held in Gigglewick.  Please note that it important to remember that these notes are the Chronicler’s summery of the questions, comments and answers given at the meeting and not a direct transcript.  I have done my best to accurately capture the…

  • Spring Moonstone is Available!

      The Pastimes and Diversions Issue of the Moonstone is now available for your amusement! Learn a new hobby for your hobby!

  • March MoonLite is here

    The March 2015 issue of MoonLite is now available.  Check it out for all the latest news from the Province Meeting.

  • Winter Moonstone is Available

    It’s here! The Winter 2015 edition of The Moonstone! Tips on vardo building, pomping up the dream, photos from Winter Feast, the ever-thrilling yearly officer reports and much more. Click to download.

  • September MoonLite is now available

    The September edition of MoonLite is now available.  Catch up on all the latest news and entertainment from the September Province Meeting.  Available for download here.

  • The Summer Moonstone Is Available!

      War may be over, but there’s still lots of outdoor SCA fun left to be had.  Check out all the great articles and photos in the Summer issue of The Moonstone.  Available to view or download for free here.

  • June MoonLite is now available

    Summer is here and so is the June issue of MoonLite.  Catch up on the latest from this month’s Province meeting, news from the Ridings and Hadchester and read up on How To Submit Someone For An Award, the first topic of the new Province Talk lecture series.  Grab a cold one and get reading!

  • May MoonLite is now available

    The May issue of MoonLite is now available.  Catch up on the latest Province Meeting notes as well as news from the Ridings and Hadchester.  Deadline for the Summer Moonstone is July 5.