Malagentia Order of Precedence
Here is the Order of Precedence for The Province of Malagentia updated as of 29 January 2017 Please contact Conall an Doire with any errors or omissions. Arturus of Aranmore Count (Trimaris) 01 September 1990 Order of Chivalry (Trimaris) 11 November 1989 Award of Arms 20 June 1987 Argent Morningstar (Trimaris) 13 May 1989 Order…
Registered Names with Heraldry
This is an alphabetical list of names and devices passed through the SCA College of Heralds for persons who were residents of Malagentia at the time that their name or arms were passed. If you have an East Kingdom Wiki page, the images are linked to your individual page. These pictures are presented here to…
Gorham Archery Practices
There will be Archery and Thrown Weapons practices at Bartlett Cottage in Gorham as announced on the yahoo list. When announced these practices will be official practices with an Archery Marshall present to count Royal Rounds.
Waterboro Archery Practices
Archery Practice will be held at the home of Max & Mickel in Waterboro on selected Sundays throughout the year, as announced on the Provincial weblist; malagentia@yahoogroups.com. An Archery Marshall will be present, and part of each practice will be set aside for shooting official Royal Rounds. Max & Mickel may be contacted for confirmation, directions,…
Got Photos?
One of the things that our new website framework will enable us to have is a photo gallery. If you have a favorite photo of Malagentia or Malagentians that you have taken, please submit it to Mylisant for inclusion in the inaugural edition of the Malagentia photo gallery. In addition to a digital copy of…
Great Northeastern War in the News
If you paid close attention at this year’s Great Northeastern War, you noticed a few people toting cameras who were being escorted around site . They were reporters from the Lewiston-Auburn Sun Journal who put together a couple of lovely pieces about the event.
Submit a Bid for an Event
Use this form to submit a bid to the Seneshal of Malagentia for consideration.
Event Sites
Found an amazing place that might make an excellent site for a future Malagentian event? Use this handy form to let future autocrats know. You may wish to check the existing entries to make sure your site hasn’t already been added.
RenDance Wrap-Up 4/16/13
Thank you to everyone who joined us tonight. The only casualty of the evening was Camille’s Crocs, but that’s a story for another time.. We reviewed (in order of appearance): Rufty Tufty Bizzarria d’Amore Heart’s Ease Gracca Amorosa Grimstock Cuckolds All A Row
Great News Article Out of Endewearde
Several of our neighbors to the North were recently featured in an article by the Bangor Daily News.