June 2020 Moonstone Available
Check out the latest edition of the Moonstone!
June Virtual Province Meeting Info
Join us for the June Virtual Province Meeting this Thursday, June 4th at 7pm. Join us at:https://meet.google.com/zws-vgjj-szj You can also join with audio only by calling 740-809-2079 PIN: 524 079 031# Contact me at webminister@malagentia.eastkingdom.org with any questions. Yours in Service, Tessa Maria da Siena
Virtual Province Meeting info
Ok – here we go! If you’d like to join us for the first virtual Province Meeting (and likely not the last), below is the login info. So please join us this Thursday, May 7th at 7pm. I can’t promise how well it will work, but it will likely be entertaining regardless! Join us at…
Virtual Province Meeting This Thursday
Greetings All! Just a quick note to let you know we will attemp an online Province Meeting this Thursday, May 7th at 7pm. I’ll send out connection info soon, but mark your calendar, and we’ll hopefully “see” you in a couple days! -Wynefryd, Deputy Seneschal
No Province Mtg tonight
Just a reminder – there will be no Province Meeting this evening. We will try to put together a good online option for next month’s meeting. We will try to keep our calendar as up to date as possible: https://malagentia.eastkingdom.org/main/calendar/ Also be sure to sign up on our website to get posts directly to your…
Tuesday Night Practices cancelled until further notice – USM Gym closed to public
March 12, 2020 To whom it may concern, In response to the rapidly growing impact of COVID-19 on the global population, including yesterday’s declaration of a pandemic by the World Health Organization, the University of Maine System will begin to implement a social isolation strategy. As you may have heard, all classes will move from…
Keep an eye on our Calendar
In the wake of the spread of COVID-19, many events both locally and across the Known World are being postponed or outright cancelled. Please, if you are intending to head out to an event, confirm that it is still being held. We will try to keep our calendar as up to date as possible: https://malagentia.eastkingdom.org/main/calendar/…
Malagentia Scribal Salon CANCELED
Good afternoon, As of now, March 12 @ 1:00 PM, the Malagentia Scribal Salon is canceled. Maine has confirmed its first case of COVID-19 this morning, and we feel it is in the best interest of all parties to limit possible exposure. We will look in to hosting this again in the future. Thank you…
Craft nights/Dance/Music practices on hold
In the interest of public health, I am pulling the plug on group craft nights, dance practices, and music practices. I plan to resume the schedule of gatherings at some point in the future; stay tuned… -Mickel von Salm
UPDATE: CANCELED – Malagentian Scribal Salon
-Audrye Beneyt, Event Steward