Officer and Event Budgets

Hello officers and autocrats as well as autocrats to be of the Province and Ridings

As per my latest theme of posting on subjects that may need some clarification or discussion.  I’d like to tackle budgets this time around.

As a good practice you should be in regular contact with myself, my deputy, and Exchequer to make sure you have a handle on your budget. Autocrats should always take a moment to make sure they are up on the latest policies by meeting with the Exchequer while planning the event. . I also don’t want to see overages on your budgets as we have in the past. This just puts everyone in a bad spot and I have no wish to see our beloved group dusted up by hard feelings over money.

As we know, not long ago we had a concern over ever increasing overhead costs (storage, meeting, and practice space for various activities) and we as a group took steps to make sure we were not making unneeded purchases. We are on a better path now, but a large degree of diligence is still needed.

Often times checking with the Quartermaster also can help as you may be surprised to find out that we already have that special one of a kind item that you absolutely must have to run your event.

While we are on the subject- Officers and Seneschals of the Ridings, please check in with the Exchequer to see how much money you have left in your budget. Keep in mind that it is never too late to start thinking about next year’s budget. I’ll be asking our Exchequer to post a “best practices” missive to the group concerning submitting a budget for your event, activity, or group, and what you can do to give that proposal the best chance of success.

Thank you all for your care and dedication,
-Col Christian