Malagentian Refund Policy

Individuals requesting event pre-registration refunds must contact the Event Steward and the Province Exchequer in writing, by paper or e-mail, at least one week prior to the posted event date and must include a valid mailing address.

Partial refunds for a group reservation where one or more individuals were unable to attend will be considered.

In the occurrence of an event cancellation, all pre-registration fees will be returned following current EK policy.

Requests received after this deadline will be considered on an individual basis and only in extreme or emergency circumstances, subject to approval by the Event Steward, Exchequer or Gate Coordinator and Seneschal. 

Refunds will either be issued in the form of a check drawn on the Provincial checking account, or if a check written by the individual has not yet been deposited and is of the correct amount, it may instead be returned.  Refund checks will be issued within 14 days of the filing of the event report. Cash refunds cannot be given. PayPal fees, if any, will not be refunded. 

Following receipt of a refund request, if approved, it will be submitted by the Event Steward, Gate Coordinator or Seneschal to the Exchequer.