No Province Meeting in July/August
Just a reminder: no Province Meeting in July and August! See you at GNE and Pennsic!! YIS, Lady Wynefryd, Seneschal
No Province Meeting in July/August
Just a reminder: no Province Meeting in July and August! See you at GNE and Pennsic!! YIS, Lady Wynefryd, Seneschal
New Malagentian Officers
Please let it be known, that on June 1st, the Province of Malagentia elected Baroness Bianca di Firenze (Amanda Cunningham) as Herald, and Elle de Pepperell (Leslie Basinger) as Chronicler. Lady Christiana Crane (Chris Hill) has stepped down as Chronicler and has agreed to be my Deputy. YIS, Lady Wynefryd Bredhers Seneschal
Lords and Ladies, lads and lasses, all gentles who enjoy the fun and excitement of the battlefield but don’t enjoy participating in the fighting – The Battlefield Support staff would love to have you join them! Battlefield Support – or “waterbearing” – provides water, gatorade, pickles, oranges, and other potables to comfort the overheated who…
Saturday Archery in Windham
There will be an official Archery Practice on Saturday, June 3rd from 2-4pm at the home of Alexandre & Adrienne in Windham. We’re located at 14 Swett Rd. – It’s at the Southern end, about 1,000 feet from Chute Rd. Make sure your GPS isn’t set to avoid dirt roads, since it is one! If…
Scribal class this week!
Scribal! This Thursday in Gorham at 6:30 (pre-game at GHOP at 5:30). This week we’ll be making items for the largesse competition, so notecards, scroll blanks, bookmarks, etc. So put your thinking caps on, look up something you’d like to make and we’ll see you on the 25th at First Parish church in Gorham (lower-level,…
Sunday Archery in Waterboro
Archery Practice will be held Sunday 5/21 from 3:00 to 5:00 at the home of Max & Mickel in Waterboro! This will be an official practice, and an Archery Marshal will be present. Do you need directions? From the intersection of Routes 4, 202, and 5 in East Waterboro, head north on 5 past…
Wanna run an event?
Think about submitting bids for future events! Yule will be coming up before we know it (she says as the temperatures rise towards 90 degrees) and how fantastic would it be to announce the autocrat for GNE XXXII at GNE XXXI! Submit your bids at http://malagentia.eastkingdom.org/main/?p=158
Elections for Chronicler and Herald June 1 at Province Meeting
Greetings! As was announced at May’s Province Meeting, elections will be held June 1st at our June Province Meeting to fill the remaining terms of Provincial Chronicler and Provincial Herald. Elle du Pepperell (Leslie Basinger) is running for Chronicler, and Bianca di Firenze (Amanda Cunningham) for Herald. Both are members in good standing. Voting will take place…
Help me do my job better…
Good Morning Malagentia! Grab your favorite warm morning beverage and spend two minutes with me if you would. Please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NPZ7NZQ and share with me your opinions on all things SCA. It’s a short, 10 question survey, and it will allow me to do my job better for all of you. Malaweardians and Gigglesmarchers welcome…