Harvest Moon bids due Feb 1st
Just a reminder that any bids for a Harvest Moon event are due by midnight, Feb 1st. Bids for any event may be submitted at: http://malagentia.eastkingdom.org/main/?p=158 YIS, Lady Wynefryd Bredhers Seneschal
Accepting Harvest Moon bids until Feb 1st
Greetings to the Populace! We have received a bid for Harvest Moon. If you would to submit a competing bid, please do so by Feb. 1st. In order to submit a bid, complete the form on our website under the tab “Submit a Bid”. Thank you! YIS, Lady Wynefryd Bredhers Seneschal
Province Meeting this Thursday
Don’t forget! January’s Province Meeting is this Thursday at 7pm at Doughboy’s in Westbrook! And to encourage everyone to come and watch me make a fool of myself, er…um…i mean, run my first meeting – AND to encourage everyone to come to this weekend’s Winterfeast – I’m raffling off two seats to Feast! No purchase…
Scribal nights start up again this month!
Mark your calendars! Scribal nights begin again on Thursday, January 26th at 6:30 pm (note new night!). This is a great time to get started or refresh your skills as classes are resetting to the beginning! There is also plenty of space/time for working on other projects. Come finish your Birka scrolls with us! We…
Wanna run an event?!
In case you are sitting at home looking for something to do, how about submitting an event bid for 2017? I have received one bid for Harvest Moon – anyone else interested in running this great little event? Visit http://malagentia.eastkingdom.org/main/?p=158 (Thanks Magnus!) and fill out the super easy form! We’re also looking for bids for…
Bonus Archery Practice Tonight in Windham!
Greetings Malagentia! Today is an exciting day! Not only do we have an election for Seneschal but the Windham archery range will open for an official practice from 2-4pm. Sorry for the late notice, I will do better with future practices. Call 207-651-5837 for directions or with questions. YIS ~Adrienne d’Evreus.
Annual Budget Meeting
The Malagentia Budget Meeting will be held at 2 PM on Saturday, December 17 at my house in Portland. If you have any budgetary requests, please contact me. Budgetary requests include, but are not limited to, event proposals, kitchen supplies, loaner gear, etc. By default, Great Northeastern War, Winter Feast, and Harvest Moon will be…
Proxy Votes due Wednesday Nov 30, 2016 by Midnight
Happy Wednesday! One more quick reminder about proxy votes for those folks that are not able to attend Thursday Night’s Province meeting at Doughboy’s in Westbrook. Tonight at midnight is the time to get in your guaranteed proxy vote for Malagentian Seneschal! I will do my best to get the votes that come in after…
August Business Meeting – New Date
Greetings good gentles, Due to scheduling conflicts and by agreement of a majority of officers, the business meeting for the month of August will take place on Monday, August 1, 2016. The venue (Doughboy’s Deli) and time (7:00 PM EDT) remain the same. This is a one-time-only change; future meetings will be held on the…