Archery Practice
Saturday approaches once again and there will be an archery practice In Gorham, at Bartlett Cottage from 2-4 on Jun 27. This will be an official practice as marshalls will be present. Please see Conall or Fionn if in need of directions
Hello Everyone, Just sending out a reminder to everyone about PortCon – this is a fantastic opportunity for our group and the audience is right up our demographic! Lets make sure we have a good showing. Contact our Chatelaine Lady Odelina of St. Albans for more information and to make sure we have enough people…
Officer and Event Budgets
Hello officers and autocrats as well as autocrats to be of the Province and Ridings As per my latest theme of posting on subjects that may need some clarification or discussion. I’d like to tackle budgets this time around. As a good practice you should be in regular contact with myself, my deputy, and Exchequer…
As per usual, now and again I like to post on topics that we could all use a refresher on. This time around, my post is concerning event bids, or rather, how to submit them as well as a few pointers on how to make sure you have a successful go at running an event.…
Office of Province Herald
Greetings and Salutations to All, For those of you who were not in attendance at our last Province meeting I have the unfortunate task to inform you that Our Herald, Lady Muirenn Ban has submitted her resignation of said office due to personal reasons. I have reluctantly accepted her resignation and sent her our best…
Event Bid Deadlines
From Lady Máirghréad Ghearr the Event Clerk the event bid deadline for the following events is fast approaching. If anyone is interested please contact me. thank you, -Christian Seneschal Malagentia ———————————————————— Event Bid deadline approaching! We have Heirs!! We also have Royal Event Bids due June 1st. Please give the heirs multiple choices in their…
Archery practice returns again
Winter snows are gone and now it is time to let the arrows fly. An Archery Practice will be held Saturday May 9th at Bartlett Cottage in Gorham between 2 and 4 PM! This will be an official practice, and an Archery Marshal will be present. If you need directions, please feel free to e-mail…
Malagentia Guidelines Posted for Commentary
The following files have been posted for commentary. They are documents created in 2005 (or thereabouts) to describe the offices and policies of the province, how province business should be conducted, etc. Our seneschal has asked that these documents be reviewed by the applicable officers and any other interested parties. Commentary on the policies should…
Expiring Martial Authorizations
Please note the following heavy and fencing authorizations are/will soon be expired. I will be at next week’s practice in order to facilitate re-auths before crown tourney. Heavy: 10159 05/27/15 Michael Acrensis Portland 12521 05/24/15 Heather Creighton Bowdoin 11945 05/13/15 Hoarr Dondersson Lewiston 10541 05/07/15 Richard Crowe Saco 12081 05/04/15 Perley of Malagentia Auburn 12043…