Special Election Details Set
Per the Malagentia guidelines, a special election will be held to fill vacated offices within three months of the vacancy. The newly elected official will finish out the original term. In this case, we will be holding a special election to fill the office of Seneschal, which was vacated on Oct. 31. Given our lack…
Special Election Details Set
Per the Malagentia guidelines, a special election will be held to fill vacated offices within three months of the vacancy. The newly elected official will finish out the original term. In this case, we will be holding a special election to fill the office of Seneschal, which was vacated on Oct. 31. Given our lack…
Virtual Province Meeting this Thursday
Virtual Province MeetingThursday, November 5, 7:00 – 8:00pm All are welcome – encouraged – to join us for our monthly meeting. Please pop in, if only for a few minutes. Join with Google Meet: meet.google.com/vuk-dofb-zwr Or Join by phone 1 617-675-4444 PIN: 435 381 900 4942# Everyone is welcome to attend and learn about the…
A Missive from the Seneschal –
My dearest Malagentia, it is with a very heavy heart that I am resigning my position as Seneschal. I have been battling a disease that causes me chronic pain, and lately I have been losing the battle. My Deputy Lord Mat Wyck will step in until elections can be held. I know he will do…
A Missive from the Seneschal –
My dearest Malagentia, it is with a very heavy heart that I am resigning my position as Seneschal. I have been battling a disease that causes me chronic pain, and lately I have been losing the battle. My Deputy Lord Mat Wyck will step in until elections can be held. I know he will do…
Malagentian Fencing Practice Resumed
Following a significant amount of work, research and coordination, Malagentia has resumed fencing practices, which will remain outdoors for the interim. All are invited to attend, regardless of experience levels. Non-participant assistance is also welcome, to help monitor adherence to our protocols. When: Saturdays, 10-noon, weekly. Rain Cancels; please see calendar at https://malagentia.eastkingdom.org/main for latest…
A new provincial e-mail list is now available!
A new e-mail list is now available for members of the Province of Malagentia. It is currently set up to receive any news announcements posted on the website automatically. Other items will need to be shared directly with the list as, unfortunately, there is no way to export posts made on Facebook. To subscribe to…
September 2020 Moonstone Available
Check out the latest edition of the Moonstone!
Online Province Meeting Tonight!
Don’t forget! Join us tonight for another “Quarantine Edition” Province Meeting at 7pm. Visit meet.google.com/hkx-mvnv-icf for an informal online conversation. Log on and see all the faces you’ve missed!
August Province Meeting Online next Thursday
Please join us for another “Quarantine Edition” Province Meeting next Thursday, August 6th at 7pm. Visit meet.google.com/hkx-mvnv-icf for an informal online conversation.