Province Mtg Canceled for tonight
Due to the weather and chances of freezing, I am canceling tonight’s meeting.
Province Meeting Thursday
Just a reminder of the Province Meeting coming this Thursday January 2nd , 7pm at Dough Boys in Westbrook. Come early and grab some great food. and visit with some friends. Lets start the year off with some great ideas. I would love to hear them.
Provincial Honors tokens needed!
Calling all Malagentian artisans!! We are in need of Provincial Honors tokens! In order for us to award some deserving folks next weekend at Ravensbridge Yule, and next month at Malagentian WinterFeast, we will need the following: 2 Martial, 9 Service, 6 Youth, and 2 Courtesy. Tokens may be made out of any media and…
Congratulations to our new Provincial Officers!
Congratulations to our new and returning Officers! Please welcome Sir Edward MacGyver (Ed Kurasz) as Seneschal, Master Alexandre St. Pierre (Jamin Brown) as Herald, Baroness “Bia” Ilulia Baebiana (Amanda Reed) as Minister of the Lists, Matthew MacGyver (Jordan Curit-Kurasz) as Knight Marshal, Aloysius Sartore (Stacy Morang) as Minister of Archery, Nicol mac Donnchaidh (Josh Newton)…
Provincial Officer Elections this Thursday!
Reminder! Provincial Officer Elections will be held at the December Province Meeting THIS Thursday, Dec. 5th at 7pm in Westbrook. All those voting must be paid members of the SCA and must show proof at time of voting. Your candidates are as follows: Archery – Aloysius Sartore (Stacy Morang)Arts & Sciences – Nicol mac Donnchaidh…
Introducing your 2020 Provincial Officer candidates!
Archery – Aloysius Sartore (Stacy Morang)Arts & Sciences – Nicol mac Donnchaidh (Josh Newton) – Tiffan Fairamay (Sylvan Thorncraft)Chatelaine – Sólveig Bjarnardóttir (Lauren Treidel) – Adrienne d’Evreus (Adrienne Brown)Chronicler – Shyvan Floyd (Silena Preston)Exchequer – Molly Schofield (Robyn Stinson) Fencing – Mat Wyck (Matt Wickenheiser)Herald – Alexandre St Pierre (Jamin Brown)Knight Marshal – Matthew MacGyver (Jordan Curit-Kurasz)Mistress of…
Nominate someone for a Provincial Honor!
Did you know that the Province of Malagentia has its own way to recognize worthy members? Our Provincial Honors allow us to say “Thank you!” to those who have given back to Malagentia in the areas of Service, Martial, Courtesy, Youth, and Arts & Sciences. It only takes a couple minutes to recommend someone for…
Officer Nominations
I will be accepting nominations for Provincial Officers at seneschal @ malagentia.eastkingdom.org until 5pm November 7th, and in person at the Province meeting that evening. The slate of candidates will be announced at the November Province Meeting (11/7). Elections will be held at the Dec. Province mtg (12/5). In order to run for a Malagentian…
Malagentian Event Fee Assistance Fund
A fund has been created to assist Malagentians in need of assistance in paying for local event fees. This fund is in no way connected officially with the Province, and will never be funded with Provincial monies. Donations from individuals are of course welcome and encouraged, and may be made online at paypal.me/Vinland1982 or in person to myself.…