GNE Bid Awarded; Upcoming Election Info
To the populace of Malagentia, two important items of business were discussed at the October province meeting: We will be running the election electronically, with paid members voting via email to the Chronicler in December (more information forthcoming in November). The ballot of offices include: *Greater Offices which are required to be filled. If you…
Harvest Moon Bid Awarded
7/21/23 At the July 6 Province Meeting, those in attendance voted unanimously to approve a bid for Harvest Moon by Hesychia of Ravensbridge and Anna Serena, who will serve as co-stewards. This event will be held at Hebron Pines in Hebron, Maine, on Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023. More details will be forthcoming. Vivant! YiS, Wyck,…
GNE Site Setup, Access
Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help with site setup and breakdown and individual area setup for GNE. You may know that as a “thank you” to those volunteers, we allow them onsite on Wednesday, ahead of the official Gate opening Thursday. Out of respect for our volunteers and for all of the work…
Special Provincial Meeting
Please join us for a short online meeting to discuss and vote on a bid currently under consideration (Not Harvest Moon) at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 15. Questions? Seneschal@malagentia.eastkingdom.org Special Provincial MeetingThursday, June 15 · 6:30 – 7:00pm Google Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/nhs-saec-rps Or dial: (US) +1 651-571-0986 PIN: 570 124 729#
Harvest Moon 2023 Bids Open
Bids for Malagentia’s premier fall event, Harvest Moon, are now being accepted. Malagentia has reserved Hebron Pines Campground for Saturday, Sept. 23. Harvest Moon typically features provincial championships for heavy list, fencing, thrown weapons, archery and, often, A&S. Gentles interested in placing a bid to organize and run Harvest Moon should use the bid entry…
Province Meeting/Budget Vote
As a reminder, our online monthly province meeting will be this Thursday, March 2, from 7 – 8 p.m. We will have our normal agenda with officer reports, info on upcoming events, etc. – as well as our annual populace vote on the budget. This budget was voted on by the budget committee in January…
Provincial Meeting / Budget
The February Provincial Meeting will be held this Thursday, Feb. 2, from 7-8 p.m., online (meeting instructions are below). All are invited to attend. We will review the proposed budget for 2023. It will be presented for questions and consideration with the official vote occurring in March. Please note that no changes may be made…
GNE 35 Bids Sought
Malagentia – I am pleased to announce that the province is now accepting bids for GNE 35. Unlike recent years, we already have a signed contract in place with Hebron Pines, with dates set for July 13-16, 2023. Preference will be given to submitters with past experience running GNE as steward or in capacity as…