Populace Discussion
Unto the Province and Ridings of Malagentia, I send you greetings and well wishes in addition to considerable thanks to all who have made this winter a far more energetic and amazing time than I can recall in many years. I am writing to all of you to bring you and update concerning a recent…
Agenda for Monthly Business Meeting 4/2
Hello One and All, Here is our Agenda for our monthly business meeting held this Thursday night (4/2) at Doughboys in Westbrook (57 Bridge St, Westbrook, ME 04092) at 7pm. These items were discussed at our last officers meeting as well as past Province meetings and we will be bringing the results to the membership…
Next Province Meeting
Hello Everyone, Just a quick update concerning the next Province meeting. Since the first Thursday of January falls well.. on the first. We will be postponing our first meeting of 2015 to Thursday the 8th. Same time and location as usual. Doughboys in Westbrook- at 7pm. 57 Bridge Street, Westbrook, ME 04092 I hope everyone…
Annual Budget Meeting
Is scheduled for December 13, 2014. Please see the Event announcement for further details.
Demo help
Howdy folks! I’m sure you have been seeing some postings about demos coming up. I thought I would join in on the postings of our Chatelaine and shamelessly plug these demos. These are excellent chances for us to get out there and represent the Society in the best possible way. Amazing opportunities to get people…
Registered Names without Heraldry
This is an alphabetical list of names passed through the SCA College of Heralds without registered devices with them for persons who were residents of Malagentia at the time that their name were passed. If you have an East Kingdom Wiki page, your name is linked to your individual page. Any discrepancies between this list…