A great many to thank for GNE 28
Well here we are. Another Great Northeaster War has come to pass. Hard work has been done, tales around campfires have been shared, and the good company of friends has been enjoyed. Let the dreaded unpacking begin… Before I pull myself up by my bootstraps and stow my gear I would like to take this…
Archery Practice June 29
There is an archery practice at the Monmouth Fish and Game Club (right on 202) on Sunday the 29th, the day after the Whatever Festival Demo. Time to be determined by those interested in attending but probably early afternoon. Contact Dave Poulin on Facebook for further details or to let him know you’ll be there.…
Archery Practice June 29
There is an archery practice at the Monmouth Fish and Game Club (right on 202) on Sunday the 29th, the day after the Whatever Festival Demo. Time to be determined by those interested in attending but probably early afternoon. Contact Dave Poulin on Facebook for further details or to let him know you’ll be there.…
GNEW Website- for all your scheduling needs
Looking for the latest about Great Northeastern War? Look no further than the GNEW Website! Updated regularly with schedules of events as soon as they become available. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Our Next Province Meeting Location
Hello Everyone, The question of the hour is upon us. With our usual meeting space no longer available to us for our monthly business meetings, what are we to do? The answer is that through a lot of work and consideration we have decided that we will be meeting at Doughboy’s restaurant across from the…
Spring Tyger & Bucket Goes Pantsless
Good Lords, gentle Ladies, shake off the dust of winter! Let it be known far and wide that hospitable and saucy proprietess Honig is throwing open the doors of Malagentia’s most beloved tavern, The Tyger and Bucket. Come for the most delicious food, stay for the delightful company and leave your damn pants at home. That’s right! This spring…
A Message from Our Seneschal Regarding Province Meetings
Hello Everyone, Some folks have been asking if there have been any updates regarding the next Province meetings location. As many of you know we can no longer utilize the Acorn dance space as they are leaving the mill. We have had many great options suggested and lots of factors to consider in this process. Currently…
Heavy List University
A hearty thank you is well and truly deserved for Mistress Ro Honig Von Somerfeldt and her deputy Lord Michael Acrensis for their hard work and great contribution to the Heavy list community. The feedback I have been seeing from the Heavy List University has been amazing. Your staff, instructors and folks that pitched in…