Province seeking bids for Harvest Moon
People of Malagentia – I’m pleased to share that the province is now looking for bids for Harvest Moon, with several important caveats. While we are hopeful that by September overall risk will be sufficiently mitigated to safely hold an event with strong safety protocols, it should be understood that cancellation may be prompted by…
March 2021 Moonstone Available
Check out the latest edition of the Moonstone!
Great Northeastern War 2021
A notice from Mat Wyck, Seneschal of Malagentia: The elected Officers of the Province of Malagentia have met and, following discussions, have decided unanimously to not hold the Great Northeastern War in 2021, due to the continuing pandemic and the abundant risks it poses. Several overarching factors drove this early decision, which was based in…
Results of Seneschal Election
Good Morning Malagentia! Your Chronicler here with the exciting announcement that Mat Wyck has been officially elected our Seneschal. Please take a moment to welcome him to his new official role. Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. YIS,Shyvan
2021 Begins with Virtual Meeting, Special Election
Greetings, Malagentia, and Happy New Year! Below are two important reminders for all to consider. 1. We will have our first Virtual Province Meeting of 2021 this Thursday, Jan. 7, from 7 – 8 p.m. You can access these meetings at meet.google.com/vuk-dofb-zwr or by phone at 1-617-675-4444, PIN 435 381 900 4942#. 2. As has been relayed…
2021 Begins with Virtual Meeting, Special Election
Greetings, Malagentia, and Happy New Year! Below are two important reminders for all to consider. 1. We will have our first Virtual Province Meeting of 2021 this Thursday, Jan. 7, from 7 – 8 p.m. You can access these meetings at meet.google.com/vuk-dofb-zwr or by phone at 1-617-675-4444, PIN 435 381 900 4942#. 2. As has been relayed…
December 2020 Moonstone Available
Check out the latest edition of the Moonstone!
Seneschal Election Information
At the December province meeting, we did accept a nomination and second for Mat Wyck (Matt Wickenheiser) to stand for election to the role of Seneschal to fill out 2021. No other nominations were made, but write-in candidates remain acceptable for the election.All paid Malagentian members will receive a postcard with basic election information.The election…
Seneschal Election Information
At the December province meeting, we did accept a nomination and second for Mat Wyck (Matt Wickenheiser) to stand for election to the role of Seneschal to fill out 2021. No other nominations were made, but write-in candidates remain acceptable for the election.All paid Malagentian members will receive a postcard with basic election information.The election…
Fencing Practices on Hiatus
Saturday Fencing Practices have been put on hold until mid-January 2021, at which point we will reevaluate our state’s COVID situation and decide on a course of action. Thank you and stay safe.